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Flying Carne December 4, 2009 – October 11, 2018 Rest peacefully sweet Carne, knowing how much you were loved. Kelsey

February 10, 2014 – September 5, 2018 The color of toffee and just as sweet. Hazel, we are so sorry that we couldn’t make you better and get you to…

Pepper – Crystal Cayenne May 16, 2004 – January 13, 2018 She hated car rides, loved the freedom of running in the big yard – hated having her nails cuts,…

Eddie (Woody) September 24, 2007 – February 11, 2018 He was treasured and loved. He was a good companion who took me for walks. He was a fast learner. He…

Loved by so many, he will always be missed. The Jacksons

DS Toy Boat April 27, 2010 – June 27. 2017 She was perfect from the moment she arrived with us. How we wish we could have had more time with…

Oklahoma – Okie Blaze N Luc February 4, 2006-April 28, 2017 Our darling Okie has his wings. Such an important part of our family – he will be greytly missed…

One for Dee Dee September 21, 2014 – December 1, 2016 Dee Dee, you fought so hard. Rest peacefully now, with no more pain, and knowing you were loved dearly…

Flynn September 2013 – March 2017 So healthy, so happy and such a good boy. We would do anything – anything – for just one more cuddle. Our hearts are…

Lucky passed away on July 9th. He was 13 years and 3 months old. Stanton left us just 3 days later on July 12th, just shy of his 12th birthday.…

WE Hard Drive August 5, 2002 – September 26. 2016 He had a good long life of 14 years and 2 months full of love, adventure and travel and will…

August 2015-September 2016 Tiny Ophelia is now running with the angels. A happy, waggy-tailed girl, she never had the chance to find her forever home. She was deeply loved and…